Monday, May 13, 2013


After weeks of preparation, The Moment arrives. John & I share a farewell hug, and it's time to start the car and head up the road.

As I pull out, the Grateful Dead song "Touch of Gray" is playing on the radio. This seems quite appropriate.

Unsurprisingly, I catch up to the rain showers as I approach the mountains. There are also rather thick patches of fog from time to time. It's not the most relaxing drive imaginable, and I miss some of the nicer views.

Still, as interstates go, you can do a lot worse than that section of I-70. I can still see farms, several with cool old barns. I also spot herds of horses, sheep, cows, one of which had a nursing calf. There's something about animals grazing in a field that always does my heart good.

Lunch was at the Somerset rest area of the PA Turnpike. I'm pleased to find a Roy Rogers as part of their lineup. This used to be a large chain. Most were bought out by McDonalds in the 1990s, and either closed or converted to McDs. So this is likely my last chance for one of their yummy burgers.

Despite the rain, I made good time. I crossed the Pittsburgh city line a little after 1 PM. Of course, I could have driven farther, but the Burgh is my hometown. So I'm going to visit some cousins and check out the old neighborhood. 

Getting to my cousin's house is a bit more of a challenge. Characteristically, I get lost. Later I realize that a missing street sign is the culprit. Thankfully, I brought a map, and get back on track with minimal drama.

After hellos and a bit of settling in, my cousins take me on a drive through the old neighborhood. Some things are very much the same, like the street names, parks, and familiar houses. Other things, like big box retail tucked close to houses, seem strange. The contrast between familiarity and radical change is somewhat disconcerting. But I'm glad to see the old Nabisco Bakery is still standing. It was converted into shopping and condos.  Here's a view of it from my grandparents' house on Marchand Street, circa 1940s:

After a delivery dinner of Indian Food, I head to bed early.

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