Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Great Lakes

My home for the night was a pleasant little campsite in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Before using the clever little self-service registration machine, I took a drive around the campsite loop. Fortunately, there were other people setting up. I chose a site within earshot of two. For safety reasons, I wouldn't have stayed in a deserted campground. I've seen enough episodes of Scooby Doo to know how that turns out.

One thing the campground lacks is quiet, though it's not their fault. It lies near I-94, so there's a constant hum of traffic. You get a break from listening to it occasionally, though. Once in awhile, trains pass by and blow their horns. I was tired enough that I managed to sleep well, though.

Despite the noise, the campground is still a very nice natural setting. It has nice trees, and I saw a pair of bluebirds next to my campsite.

Thanks to the time difference, I had enough daylight to check out the dunes, and get a nice walk along Lake Michigan. I was glad to get some exercise after sitting in the car all day.

The drive itself wasn't bad. I left at 10, to let rush hour die down. Compared to the DC area, the streets of Pittsburgh seemed deserted. The scenery along the way was pleasant, along both the Ohio and Indiana Turnpikes. There were redbuds in bloom, and lots of lilacs. Again, I saw lots of farm animals, including goats and a big draft horse this time. The highlight was seeing an Amish farmer plowing with a team of four draft horses.

I must say, the Ohio Turnpike has especially nice service plazas. I never had to wait for a bathroom, and they were all very clean and well-supplied. The Indiana Turnpike lost a few point for having no seat covers at one of theirs. I also liked that the layout was the same at each one, so you only have to figure out where to park once.

My state count for the day reaches four before I reach the park. I miss a turn, and find myself in Michigan. (Michigan City looks like a pleasant little town.)

I was tempted by a Popeye's in Ohio, but held out. Lunch consisted of a granola bar and cashews. Dinner was a can of beans heated over sterno. That sounds kind of hobo, but I was too tired by then to care what I ate. It was also quite satisfying to not pay for food all day. Besides, I'd decided to spend as little money as possible in Indiana. This state and their governor have been pursuing an anti-choice agenda, and I have no desire to indirectly fund that.

I woke at about 6:30 Eastern time this morning, so got a good jump on the day. I tried to organize the car a bit better, but never did find my box of graham crackers. They were was supposed to supplement my breakfast yogurt and sterno-heated coffee. Now I have an excuse to eat cookies for breakfast.

It was a bit chilly when I first woke up, so I tried to start a fire. I'm out of practice, though, and failed miserably. The weather warmed up quickly, and the increasing wind hinted that the warming was only just starting.

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